Thanks to TURF for looking out for Texas citizens.
The rest of you - do something....
August 1, 2012
Anti-toll groups relish Campbell, Cruz victories
Opponents were key players in pushing tolls on Texas
(New Braunfels, TX - July 31, 2012) Anti-toll groups, the San Antonio Toll Party and Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (TURF), celebrated Dr. Donna Campbell's victory over pro-toll, 40-year incumbent State Senator Jeff Wentworth in Texas Senate District 25 at her victory party held at the Seekatz Opera House in New Braunfels.
"We're elated that Dr. Campbell gave long-time toller Jeff Wentworth the boot. We helped her polish up those boots with lots of grassroots support, and it paid off!" declared Toll Party and TURF Founder, Terri Hall.
San Antonio Toll Party did robo calls and Facebook ads on behalf of Dr. Donna Campbell educating thousands of district voters about Wentworth's long toll road record. Supporters also volunteered in a variety of capacities like hosting meet and greets, blockwalking, phone banking, and donating money to Campbell's campaign.
Wentworth sits on the Senate Transportation Committee and was the key to blocking pro-taxpayer measures advocated by TURF for the last three sessions. He also sits on the San Antonio-Bexar County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) where Wentworth recently voted to toll 281 & 1604. This means two existing free main lanes will be turned into dedicated bus-HOV-toll lanes using tax money. So Wentworth not only tried to increase a host of road taxes in the legislature, but also voted to DOUBLE TAX San Antonians for roads they've already paid for with tax money.
"This is the first opportunity for our supporters to make an example out of the board members who recently voted to toll existing lanes on 281 at the MPO June 25. There was a TON of enthusiasm behind Dr. Campbell. She's just what we need to shake-up Austin to get a pro-taxpayer transportation policy in place in Texas," Hall noted.
For more info on Wentworth's pro-toll record, go here.
Cruz knocks off Dewhurst
In another key race, Ted Cruz, who received an 'A' rating in TURF's Voter Guide, defeated pro-toll extraordinaire David Dewhurst, who received an 'F' on TURF's Report Card on the 82nd Legislature, for the U.S. Senate seat to replace anti-toll Kay Bailey Hutchison.
"It's a great day for Texas taxpayers and this sends a strong message to both Austin and Washington: we don't want more taxes, especially to use roads we've already paid for with tax money. Enough is enough!" warns Hall.
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