Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2012

Here we go again...

If you thought Carter Avenue was going to be the only street they went after, well, you know the drill.

Urgent message from Don Young-----------

Subject: URGENT: City Council-Chesapeake must be stopped

The photo below was taken July 27, 2012, while standing in the front yard of my childhood home, 1105 Haynes Street, Fort Worth, Texas.

Until about a year ago, the prairie field that extended the entire block across the street, where kids like me flew kites and explored nature, remained unchanged. But about a week before Christmas, 2011, Chesapeake Energy received a permit to drill and frack "multiple gas wells" on the site.

Anyone can plainly see from the aerial photo below, this gas well should NEVER have been permitted. At about 300' away from where I took the photo, it's too close. More than 72 properties in this densely populated neighborhood are DIRECTLY affected. It is what the FW Drilling Ordinance used to refer to as HIGH-IMPACT before, at the drillers request, the phrase was discarded. But now it's too late. The City failed the neighborhood. The well is in.

Now. Now, Chesapeake is asking council approval for an 8" diameter pipeline that will run under homes and in front yards of this very low income, working-class, mostly Spanish-speaking neighborhood. The gas will be UN-odorized.

In an epic failure of leadership to protect innocent citizens, City staffers, Rick Trice, Randle Harwood and Fernando Costa have signed off on the pipeline that council will debate on August 7, 2012.

This pipeline proposal is even worse than the infamous, Carter Avenue pipeline that was changed only after resident and father, Steve Doeung refused to be bought off. But it took the persuasive efforts of Senator Wendy Davis, to help convince Chesapeake to pursue a less dangerous route which they ultimately did.

Will you PLEASE take a moment right now and contact your councilperson, Mayor Betsy Price and especially, District 8 City Councilwoman, Kelly Gray. Cut and paste the following to your personal email:

Options exist to reduce neighborhood impact of the Anderson gas well and pipeline. Either plug the gas well or find a better route. The lives of thousands of nearby residents are worth more than the $31,605.20 that Chesapeake is offering for the pipeline permit. Deny Chesapeake's permit request with prejudice.

Already impacted by drilling and fracking, hundreds of families will be
at serious safety risk if the pipeline is approved.

Just days before Christmas, 2011,
the City of Fort Worth allowed this to happen.

Alternatives exist to this driller-friendly, neighborhood-killer pipeline route.

The Chesapeake owned, Anderson Padsite is one of many across FW that should have never been allowed.

Don Young
P.O. Box 470041
Fort Worth, TX 76147

"God bless Fort Worth, Texas. Help us save some of it."

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