YOU know there is an election taking place, right? VOTE!
Based on the election returns Saturday, less than 6 percent of the residents of Hurst bothered to vote. Shame on you!
I've lived here for 33 years and have seen a lot of change. Some I liked, some I didn't, but, all in all, Hurst is a good place to live.
I voted early in the city elections. Two of the people I voted for won; two lost. I voted for the new Law Center, and it passed. I didn't get everything I wanted, but I took the time to let my voice be heard, and I'll live with the results of the voters' choice.
What I don't understand is why so many of the residents just don't care enough to vote.
Please, don't tell me "I didn't have time" or some other hollow excuse.
People get the representation and taxes they deserve. Deserve is based on willingness to participate.
When your taxes go up a bit next year to fund the new Law Center and you don't like it, but you didn't vote, please sit down and be quiet.
-- Dave Waldrop, Hurst
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