Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 4, 2012

'News' gets it wrong...again

Dear friends,

If you were at last night's city council hearing on the fate of Fort Worth's current moratorium on "salt water" disposal wells, you might have noticed that the Star-Telegram headline today missed the point.

You can read the article here: Fort Worth council urged to allow pilot well

Contrary to that headline, the testimony was overwhelming against ending the moratorium. The city staff recommendation to lift the moratorium was supported by three industry representatives, and all of the rest of the testimony was against ending the moratorium. Over twenty people including representatives from the League of Women Voters, League of Neighborhoods, and North Central Texas Communities Alliance spoke.

Please join me again next Tuesday, April 10, 2012, when the Council will vote on the ban and could decide either to extend the moratorium, prohibit wastewater wells altogether in the city limits, allow the wells certain land-use restrictions, or to take some other action. Unless the council votes to extend it, the current moratorium against saltwater disposal wells will expire on April 30, 2012.

Because of the importance of the outcome I encourage you to attend next Tuesday's meeting at City Hall, 1000 Throckmorton Street, at 7 pm.  City council members need to hear from you on this important topic that could impact our health, safety, and environment. If you would like to speak at the hearing, keep in mind that the usual rules regarding signing up before the meeting and speaking limits will apply.

For more information about the hearings, please see the City News page.  You can find general information about disposal wells here. You may also call my district office at 817-924-1997 if you have any questions.

Best regards,


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