Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 9, 2013

Thứ Tư, 4 tháng 9, 2013

They're here...

Remember all those times when you wished there was an entity that would stand up for the people?

Your wish is granted.

Texans for Government Transparency are on it.  And by it, we mean the Water Board.  Wonder what they'll be on next...

Texans for Government Transparency

TRWD Loses Key Court Decision on Case about Violating Texas Open Meetings Law

(Fort Worth, Texas) This past week, a key decision was handed down in a lawsuit against the Tarrant Regional Water District for violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act allowing the suit to move forward in court. The judge struck down a motion from the TRWD where they asserted they were not only exempt from being sued due to jurisdictional issues, but did not have to comply with the Texas Open Meetings Act in any matters before the court. Judge Susan McCoy of the 153rd judicial district denied the TRWD’s motion on August 26, 2013 clearing way for the case to be heard.

The suit filed by East Texas ranch owner and businessman, Monty Bennett, alleges the TRWD violated the Texas Open Meetings Act over 600 times in making key decisions. This suit also alleges these decisions were made behind closed doors and away from public oversight. In these meetings millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money was awarded to contractors and individuals. Perhaps the lawsuits most damaging allegation contends in these same secret meetings people’s land and properties were marked to be taken by eminent domain without owners ever having been told of any meeting of the TRWD. Mr. Bennett’s family ranch in East Texas, where they raise exotic wildlife and endangered species, is one of the properties the TRWD has marked for the taking and prompting him to action. 

“The Texas Open Meetings Act is there to ensure oversight of government agencies by the citizens of Texas.” says John Austin Basham, President of Texans For Government Transparency, “The idea of our government meeting in secret and planning to take someone’s family ranch, home, or property is outrageous!” Basham adds, “The argument the TRWD puts forth that they are exempt from any oversight under the Texas Open Meeting Act speaks to how little regard they have for both the law and the people they purport to serve. We are Texans, the government saying ‘trust us, we know what’s best for you’ is not something that sits well with our nature or our spirit.” 

Mr. Basham did however express his doubts with any rapid resolution in this case, “The TRWD has a track record of spending Millions in taxpayer’s dollars to defend legally troubling arguments. But worse, they lose every single time! So, in fact they spend all this money on lawyers and court costs as a delay and harassment tactic. This misuse of money and trust allows them more time to continue violating the law, ignore the public’s will, oversight, and input.” 

Texans For Government Transparency has also filed suit against the TRWD for violating the Texas Constitution by skipping elections and allowing board members to serve an extra year without a vote of the people. TFGT expects to be victorious in this case forcing the TRWD to allow the people to vote for those who represent them, rather than having career bureaucrats dictate who serves and for how long. 

Texans for Government Transparency is a non-profit human rights organization focused on bringing transparency and accountability to government, while protecting the privacy and civil rights of the citizens of Texas. 

Contact: John Spivey
Telephone: 817-706-2947 September 2, 2013
8551 Boat Club Road Suite 121
Fort Worth, Texas 76179-3674

What they didn't say...

If you saw the news on WFAA about the Texas earthquake on Labor Day weekend, you didn't see the whole story.  We know, you aren't surprised.

While WFAA made quick mention of there being a fault in the area of the quakes, they left out the part that there are 27 injection wells in the area.  And that Timpson hadn't had earthquakes until they had wells.

You can read about it here.

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 9, 2013

As usual...

The comments are more telling than the article.

Clyde Picht · Fort Worth, Texas

Oh, Rick, you naughty cynic. Of course it's not Trinity River Vision. Even though TRWD doesn't require recycling of fracking water for wells on their property and even though TRWD collects millions for gas drilling, they can't spend it on water resources. And you know, their $2 billion pipeline from Lake Palestine will bring water to Dallas but not Fort Worth so you know we'll need to pay more to help Dallas. It's not the city's fault either. The landscape ordinance that requires trees and shrubs be planted and watered is for the good of us all. Same with all the trees in the medians. Even though the city widened Rosedale to six lanes, it's well worth the cost to tear up one of the new lanes and make parking places and plant trees in the median. The real problem is those pesky suburbanites who keep flushing their toilets and watering their puny brown lawns.

If you want to read the Fort Worth Business Press blurb, you can do so here.